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Vitor Barrote, PhD

Postdoctoral researcher and lab manager

at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum

I manage a Laser Ablation facility with two Quadrupole ICPMS at the GFZ in Potsdam. I am also a researcher in Earth Sciences and occupy most of my research time developing innovative tools  to find important metal ressources that are fundamental to the fabrication of green energy technology. 

I also have a podcast where I talk about a bunch of things in Earth Sciences. Click the link bellow to find out more:

Research Interests

My research interests lie in the field of isotopic geochemistry and geochronology, with a special interest in technical development and the use of multidisciplinary studies applied in unorthodox ways in order to solve unusual problems. I have been involved in Economic Geology for the good part of my academic journey, from my master degree at UFMG (Brazil) to my PhD at the John de Laeter Centre, Curtin University, where I studied VHMS deposits from Western Australia. I believe that mineral deposits are rare records of amplified geological processes, and could hold fundamental keys to the understanding of major questions that every geoscientist asks themselves: the history of Earth’s evolution, the spark of life and what makes our planet so special.

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